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  • Behaviour Policy
    We believe good behaviour is based on mutual respect. This starts from the moment the learners enters school, the way that adults interact with the learners, the way learners interact with adults and the way learners interact with each other. Through our behaviour policy we aim to continue to promote and protect our positive learning environment in which each person is valued and respected regardless of their cultural and linguistic backgrounds, gender, faith, class, ability, and age. This policy supports the school community in aiming to promote good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn and to allow everyone to work together in an effective and considerate way. Aims and Objectives of the Policy • To ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and is treated fairly. • We expect every member of the school community to behave in a considerate, respectful way towards others and consistently. • To ensure that the conduct of all members of the school community is consistent with the values of our school. • To help children grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the community. • To promote high standards of behaviour, self-discipline and respect. • To prevent bullying and discrimination of any kind. • To ensure Wisdom is an enjoyable, safe, secure and caring environment for children’s learning and progress. • To encourage children to have high expectations of their own behaviour, build up self-esteem by developing positive abilities and attitudes. • To emphasise that everyone has rights and responsibilities and to encourage children to take responsibility for their actions. • To encourage increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for his/her own behaviour. • To foster positive caring attitudes towards everyone where achievements at all levels are acknowledged and valued. • To have a consistent approach to behaviour throughout the school. • To make boundaries of acceptable behaviour clear and ensure safety. • To raise awareness about appropriate behaviour and promote it through positive reinforcement. • To protect and respect our environment. • To be listened to and to listen to others. Being assertive: We all have rights….. · Our staff have the right to teach, learners have the right to learn. · Our learners and staff have the right to feel safe in school. · Our parents and guardians have the right to feel welcome and to know their children grow, play and learn in a friendly, safe and helpful school. · Wisdom will not tolerate violent, abusive or anti-social behaviour in the classroom or anywhere on the Wisdom premises and outside areas. B1. Introduction B1.1. Wisdom will ensure that the school environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently. Wisdom will keep any available records of all reported serious incidents of misbehaviour including bullying and racism. B1.2. Wisdom may give fixed-term exclusions to individual learners for serious acts of misbehaviour. For repeated or very serious acts of anti-social behaviour, Wisdom may permanently exclude a learner and no refund will be given. B1.3. Staff responsibilities *Implementing the behaviour policy consistently. *Modelling positive behavior based on this policy and Learner Code of Conduct, including setting a good example in own actions and interactions. *Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular learners. *Recording behaviour incidents. *Treating all children fairly and with mutual respect, based on this policy and Learner Code of Conduct. *Upholding the school’s safe, pleasant, stimulating environment, physically and emotionally. *Using rewards, rules and sanctions clearly and consistently as specified by this policy. *Dealing with any incidents promptly and informing the management, who will inform parents when necessary. B1.4. Parents and Guardians We expect parents and guardians to support their child’s learning, and to cooperate with the policies and recommendations of the school. As well as: *Support their child in adhering to the learner code of conduct *Inform the school of any changes in circumstances/medical conditions that may affect their child’s behaviour *Discuss any behavioural concerns with Wisdom promptly and in a calm atmosphere of mutual respect. B1.5. Children's responsibilities *To learn and behave to the best of their abilities, and allow others to do the same. *To treat everyone with respect and to co-operate with all learners and adults. *To follow the instructions of the school. *To take care of property and the environment in and out of school. *To check the school noticeboard daily to keep themselves updated. B2. Behaviour expectations B2.1. Wisdom expects school rules to be followed to ensure a safe and positive learning environment and we review each situation on an individual basis. B2.2. We expect children to listen carefully to instructions in lessons. If they do not do so, we ask them either to move seats, or to leave the classroom to stop other learners being disrupted. The learner may come back to the classroom after the learner is able to participate appropriately. B2.3. We expect learners to try their best (based on their age and academic level) in all activities. If they do not do so, we may ask them to redo a task, or complete it during break time. B2.4. If behaviour is inappropriate then a verbal warning is given to the learner and the teacher should explain to the learner what he/she is doing that is not acceptable. In certain circumstances the teacher may wait until the situation has calmed down before explaining the reason to the learner. B2.5. The physical safety of the learners is paramount in all situations. If a learner’s behaviour endangers the safety of others, the teacher will stop the activity and prevent the learner from taking part for the rest of that session. B2.6. The learners are expected to be in the classroom on time. If the learner comes late, such a learner may be asked to wait for the end of the class at another area of the school (library, office) to avoid disrupting other learners. B2.7. The learners are expected to come fully prepared and ready for the class (bring their stationery, workbooks, coursebooks, notebooks, etc.). B2.8. The learners are expected to be focused on the class, do the classwork, follow the teacher’s instructions, avoid private chats and disrupting others in any way. B2.9. During the class the learners are expected to sit on the chairs properly. Sitting on or under the tables or rocking on chairs is not allowed. B2.10. If a child repeatedly acts in a way that disrupts or upsets others, Wisdom will seek further support from the parents. The school will contact the child’s parents or guardians and seek an appointment in order to discuss the situation, with a view to improving the behaviour of the child. B2.11. The school does not tolerate bullying of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. We do everything in our power to ensure that all children attend school free from fear. B2.12. Chewing gum is not allowed on the Wisdom premises, Wisdom school transportation and outside areas. B2.13. The learners are expected to speak English at all times while staying on the Wisdom premises. Speaking Thai language is acceptable. Other foreign languages have to be spoken in designated Foreign Language areas only. Learners are also expected to speak only in English with their parents/guardians while on the school grounds or in the presence of Wisdom staff. B3. Promoting Positive Behaviour B3.1. Wisdom will continue to promote positive behaviour in the classroom, including the following: • Routinely incorporating activities designed to promote learner’s social skills and emotional development. • Whenever possible lessons are planned to be interesting, appropriately challenging and differentiated. • Appropriate behaviour is taught and reinforced on a regular basis, based on this policy and Learner Code of Conduct. • Learners are encouraged to identify their own and others’ strengths and to recognise and value the diversity within their classroom. • All adults are to be aware of learners with behaviour, emotional and social difficulties and may make adaptations to managing behaviour where necessary. • Teachers may use reward systems of their choice to promote efficient classwork, encourage positive behavior and discourage negative behaviour (including coins, tickets, activities chosen by learners, school trips, etc.). B4. Dealing with inappropriate behaviour B4.1. We have in place a range of options and rewards to reinforce and praise good behaviour, and sanctions for those who do not comply with the school’s behaviour policy. These are proportionate and fair responses that may vary according to the age of the learners, and any other special circumstances that affect the learner. When inappropriate behaviour is identified, sanctions should be implemented consistently and fairly in line with the behaviour policy. If any form of unacceptable behaviour is noted the consequences will be as follows: 1) A verbal warning 2) Request to change seats 3) Removal of any rewards / exclusion from activity (including coins, tickets, activities chosen by learners, school trips, participation in elective classes etc.). 4) A time out away from the classroom. The learner may asked to complete their learning in another school area (office, another classroom, etc). 5) Detention may be issued, items may be confiscated or a fine may apply, depending on the behaviour. 6) In some cases internal or external suspension will be considered. 7) In extreme cases, expulsion from the school will be considered. B4.2. For repeat offenders who are consistently being disruptive, parents may be called to a meeting to discuss the difficulties the child is experiencing and plan a way forward where home and school can work together. B4.3. In a few cases there may be a need to establish an individual and personalised approach to managing behaviours at an additional cost which will be agreed with parents. An example of this is Learning Support, where an individual is employed to guide and support the learner during the class. B4.4. From time to time, learners might be asked to miss their break time if they have not finished their work due to disruptions in class, for example. Learners or a whole class may be given extra writing tasks during the break time as detention for breaking school rules. B4.5. If the learners have damaged school property (i.e. graffiti or putting soap over a mirror in toilet), the learner or the learner’s family will be asked to rectify it and/or pay to rectify it. B4.6. The learners are expected to clean after themselves (littering, empty bottles, empty cups, etc.) and be willing to rectify any mess regardless of the situation in which the mess was created. B4.7. The learners may be given extra homework, for example, to prepare a presentation on a particular behaviour issue and share their research/thoughts in the class. Parents are expected to support learners in completing this task. B4.8. Behaviour issues will be recorded on learner’s personal behaviour record and parents will have digital access to this file upon request. B5. Zero Tolerance B5.1. If a child displays any of the following behavior Wisdom may deviate from the series of hierarchical consequences and jump to a higher sanction more quickly (e.g. immediate suspension). In cases of extreme behaviour, Wisdom will make every effort to contact the learner’s parents/guardians immediately. B5.2. Our Zero Tolerances include the following: · Insulting and/or use of swearing towards learners, visitors or staff in any form and language. · Repeatedly refusing to follow instructions from Wisdom staff. · Physical aggression or fighting of any kind. · Bullying · Discriminatory behaviour for example bullying that is inflicted on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexual harrasment and other characteristics. This applies to learners, staff, parents/guardians a visitors. · Any political propaganda of any kind, including and not limited to ruscism/fascism, intentionally displaying symbols “Z” or “V”, roman salute, any public support of Russian war against Ukrainian people and crimes against humanity. · Vandalism/Damage to property · Theft · Leaving Wisdom premises without permission from Wisdom staff. B5.3. Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or a group of people, by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is, therefore: deliberately hurtful, repeated, often over a period of time, difficult to defend against. Bullying can take many forms including: • Physical bullying which can include intentionally kicking, hitting, pushing and taking away belongings; • Verbal bullying which includes offensive name calling, mocking and other offensive comments directly to an individual; • Emotional bullying which includes boycotting an individual or spreading offensive rumours about them; • Cyber-bullying where technology is used to hurt an individual – for instance clearly insulting text messaging or posting messages/images on the internet or any form of social media • Racist bullying occurs when bullying is clearly motivated by racial, ethnic or cultural prejudice. • Sexual bullying is where someone clearly makes unwanted physical contact or makes sexually abusive comments. • Disablist bullying occurs when bullying is clearly motivated by a prejudice against people with any form of disability. • Sexist bullying occurs when bullying is clearly motivated by a prejudice against someone because of their gender. B6. Different consequences may be applied for each zero tolerance behavior, including but not limited to: · Exclusion from a break or lunchtime (however, food and water will be made available to the learner) · Phone call to parents/meeting with parents/formal warning sent to the parents of the learner in writing. · Learning Support programme requirement put in place for the learner at an additional cost. · Temporary internal or external suspension or permanent exclusion/expulsion without any refund. · Involvement of any appropriate legal authority. · Parents may be fined for their children insulting or swearing at Wisdom learners, visitors, teachers or staff. This decision rests solely with Wisdom and will be confirmed in writing to the parents. Payment of the fine is non-negotiable and is intended to protect our respectful learning environment. B6.1. Learning Support programme. If a child is presenting particularly challenging behavior, Wisdom will employ a personal educator to assist and positively support such a learner during studying hours and break times. Extra fees will be charged and payment must be made in full in advance. B6.2. Exclusions. We are a highly inclusive school and when possible, seek to support children through any of the behavioural difficulties outlined above. We firstly look at the potential reasons behind inappropriate behaviour that may be displayed by children and seek to resolve these issues in order to help the child. However, in some cases, exclusion (temporary or permanent) may be required. The parents will receive notification of the exclusion in writing. B7. The use of Reasonable Force B7.1. In very rare situations, where a child is refusing to follow a reasonable or important instruction to stop their behaviour, which may be causing harm to themselves or another person and/or involve damaging property, Wisdom staff may physically restrain a learner using ‘reasonable’ force. B7.2. The term ‘reasonable force’ covers the broad range of actions that involve a degree of physical contact with learners. On the rare occasions that force is used it is most often used either to control or restrain. This can range from guiding a learner to safety by the arm through to more extreme circumstances such as breaking up a fight or where a student needs to be restrained to prevent violence or injury to themselves or other. B7.3. The word ‘reasonable’ means using no more force than considered necessary, inflicting minimum discomfort and injury. B7.4. Control means either passive physical contact, such as standing between learners or blocking a learner's path, or active physical contact such as leading a learner by the arm out of a classroom / area. B7.5. Restraint means to hold back physically or to bring a learner under control. B7.6. Restraint is typically used in more extreme circumstances, for example when two learners are fighting and refuse to separate without physical intervention. B7.7. School staff should always try to avoid acting in a way that might cause injury, but in extreme cases it may not always be possible to avoid injuring the learner or others closeby. In such cases the staff member would choose a cause of action resulting in the least damage and injury possible B7.8. The above action should only be reached when all possible options for giving the learner time/space to regain self-control have been exhausted. B7.9 Under no circumstances will Wisdom staff use any form of force reasonable or otherwise, as a means of punishment. Wisdom does not and will never practice any form of physical punishment. Reasonable force can only be used following the conditions in this section of the policy, for the safety of learners and others. B7.10 In the event a situation requiring physical force occurred, the instigator and all directly involved individuals are automatically suspended until such time as the matter has been resolved. B8. Confiscation of items deemed unsuitable for the school environment B8.1. The learner can bring to school, but is not allowed to use during any class, items that do not promote learning and Wisdom deems disruptive for others (e.g. toys, cards, pillows, etc.). If the learner is using unsuitable items during the class, a warning will be given and/or these items may be confiscated. All confiscated items, other than prohibited items specified in section B8.2, will be returned to the learner at the end of the school day. B8.2. Wisdom has Power to immediately confiscate prohibited items, including: a) Knives, weapons, explosives and related b) Alcohol and related c) Illegal drugs and related d) Items suspected to be stolen e) Tobacco and cigarettes and related f) Pornographic images and related g) Any item that has been, is likely to, or is suspected to be used to commit an office, cause personal injury or damage to property. h) Any item banned by the school rules, or which has been identified by the school as an item which is prohibited. The school holds the right to confiscate any items that could be considered dangerous or that interfere with our commitment to ensuring the safety of all learners under our care, or any items that are deemed to prove disruptive to learning. B8.3. Should the school feel the need to confiscate any items, parents may be notified, unless it is deemed appropriate to confiscate such items immediately. The prohibited confiscated items will be returned to the parents. B8.4. In the instance of weapons, knives or child pornography, and related, the authorities may also be notified. B8.5 Wisdom staff have the power to search the property of learners under Wisdom’s care, for prohibited items, without the need for any prior consent or knowledge of the learner or parent. This includes but is not limited to pockets, bags, lockers, and pencil cases. Whenever possible, searches will be conducted in view of CCTV and witnesses will be present. B8.6 In the event staff are unable to open a bag, locker or other which is suspected to contain a prohibited item, Wisdom staff will use appropriate force to open the bag, locker or other. Whenever possible, this will be conducted in view of CCTV and witnesses will be present. B9. Mobile phones usage B9.1. The use of mobile phones by the learners is not allowed during the study hours inside the school building (classrooms, locker areas, staircases, etc) and learners should keep all phones in their locker or bag. B9.2. If the learner needs the phone for emergency use or for contacting the parents, the learner can use the phone in the garden without permission of Wisdom staff. B9.3. If the learner is caught using a phone in a non-designated zone, the phone may be confiscated and returned to the learner at the end of the school day. B9.4. If a learner is caught using a phone in a non-designated zone without Wisdom authorization, the learner will get “Unplugged” phone detention the next day, this means the learner must give their phone to the office upon entering Wisdom premises. They may collect it at the end of the school day. B9.5. If the learner is caught a second time using a phone in a non-designated zone without Wisdom authorization, the learner’s “Unplugged” phone detention will last for 1 week (5 school days). The phone will be available for collection at the end of each school day. B9.6. If the learner is caught a third time using a phone in a non-designated zone without Wisdom authorization, the learner’s “Unplugged” phone detention will last for 1 term (12-14 weeks). Similarly, the phone will be available for collection at the end of each school day. B9.7. During the “Unplugged” phone detention period, the learner’s phone is available in the office all day for emergency use or for contacting their parents. At the end of the school day the learner must come to collect their phone. If Wisdom suspects a learner to be falsely claiming to use the phone for contacting their parents, Wisdom will contact the parents and arrange a meeting to discuss this. B9.8. Any photos, videos, recordings, etc. taken during school hours are considered in violation of the behaviour policy and may cause “Unplugged” phone detention for the duration of all school day or in extreme cases suspension. B9.9. Using a phone should not be disrespectful or disruptive for others and for certain activities the learners may be requested not to use a phone. Violating this rule may cause “Unplugged” phone detention for the duration of all school day or in extreme cases suspension. B.9.10. Wisdom is not responsible for any damage or loss of learners’ phones and any damage caused as a result of the use of phones. B 10. List of behaviour that may cause exclusions B10.1. The following behavior issues will be taken seriously and may result in suspensions or exclusions: a) Physical assault against a learner or an adult, including but not limited to fighting, violent behaviour, wounding, obstruction and jostling b) Verbal abuse/threatening behaviour against a learner or an adult, including but not limited to threatened violence, aggressive behaviour, swearing, verbal intimidation of any form (in any language). c) Bullying, including but not limited to: verbal, physical, racial bullying d) Racial abuse, including but not limited to racial taunting and harassment, derogatory racial statements, swearing that can be attributed to racial characteristics, racial bullying, racial graffiti e) Drug and alcohol related incidents at Wisdom premises, including but not limited to possession of illegal drugs, inappropriate use of prescribed drugs, drug dealing, underage smoking, alcohol abuse, substance abuse f) Damage, including but not limited to damage to school or personal property belonging to any member of the school community: vandalism, arson, and graffiti g) Theft, including but not limited to stealing school property, stealing personal property (learner or adult), stealing from local shops, on a school outing h) Persistent disruptive behaviour (including but not limited to challenging behaviour, disobedience, persistent violation of school rules) i) Other incidents deemed serious by the school, which are not covered by the categories above, however this category should be used within reason. j) Possession of an offensive or dangerous weapon of any kind on Wisdom premises and/or while under the care of Wisdom B10.2. Wisdom will investigate these incidents promptly and as fully as possible, and make an effort to listen to all the parties involved. Details will be provided to the parents along with the exclusion notice. B10.3. In the event a learner is excluded from school due to any behaviour issues mentioned above, no refund of any kind (including the security deposit) will be given. Fines for any damages incurred may apply. Appropriate legal authorities may be also involved.
  • Learner Code of Conduct
    While it is a learner’s right to receive an education, and while Wisdom will strive to provide the highest quality educational opportunities possible, it is important that learners acknowledge their responsibilities to themselves, their fellow learners, their teachers, other staff members and Wisdom. Effective discipline is directly dependent upon the limits set by a code of acceptable conduct and the behavior policy. Wisdom Learner Code of Conduct is based on fostering a culture of mutual respect in an orderly, clean and safe environment. Wisdom rules are straightforward and we expect both parents and learners to be familiar with and follow them. This Code of Conduct serves as a general guide for the standards of behaviour expected of Wisdom learners. Each Learner is expected not only to conform to these standards, but also to assist the staff in ensuring that all learners conform to them. Learners are expected at all times to be loyal and to uphold these standards. Wisdom aims to provide a warm, supportive environment, conducive to the attainment of academic excellence, high moral standards, spiritual growth, social and cultural awareness and good physical health. We will provide a vibrant academic atmosphere, in which every learner is valued as an individual, challenged as a learner, and encouraged to contribute to society. There is only one rule: BE RESPECTFUL, and below are the details of what is meant by this: Respectful learners know that all Wisdom rules apply whether on Wisdom property, or public places, or in a school group on tour, or any other excursion. THE MANNERS OF A RESPECTFUL LEARNER ARE OUTSTANDING. 1. A respectful learner greets teachers, staff and visitors to Wisdom. 2. A respectful learner is polite to classmates, teachers, staff and visitors to Wisdom. 3. A respectful learner keeps quiet while the teacher is talking. 4. Respectful learners remember to say “Please and Thank you”. 5. Respectful learners do not interrupt a conversation. 6. Respectful learners only speak kind words to others. 7. Respectful learners keep quiet in assembly. 8. Respectful learners take pride in their dress, actions and thoughts. 9. Respectful learners are friendly, courteous and tolerant towards others. 10. Respectful learners use only English language to communicate with classmates and teachers while at Wisdom. Thai language is acceptable when appropriate. 11. Respectful learners will not start or support any religious, political, cultural or national disputes while at Wisdom. 12. All the time while staying on the school premises respectful learners wear a face mask, keep social distance and follow high hygiene standards if doing so is required by Thai laws. 13. Respectful learners respect the environment and keep it clean. Respectful learners do not bring food or drinks to the classrooms. In the classroom: 1. Respectful learners listen to the teacher. 2. Respectful learners raise their hand if they need attention, they do not shout out and work quietly. 3. Respectful learners keep classrooms neat and pick up all litter. Respectful learners place all litter in bins. 4. Respectful learners respect books, learning materials and furniture e.g. computers, radios, TVs, may not be used without permission and/or supervision. 5. Respectful learners do not touch other people’s property. 6. Respectful learners bring their own stationery to Wisdom and come to the class prepared. 7. Respectful learners are punctual for all classes because it avoids disruptions and protects the right of others to learn without being disturbed. 8. Respectful learners bring a note explaining why they were absent from classes on returning to Wisdom. 9. Respectful learners accept responsibility for their actions. 10. Respectful learners know that they may not bring any toys to school, e.g. water pistols, fireworks, electronic games, etc., and that they may not use their phone or tablet in non-educational purposes during the school hours. Classwork and books: 1. Respectful learners have pride in the presentation of each piece of work they complete. 2. Respectful learners treat all books with care and consideration. 3. Exercise books are treated with respect and are kept in a good condition. 4. All books of respectful learners are labelled and covered. 5. Respectful learners aim to produce the highest standards of work 6. Respectful learners always try to complete their work neatly and legibly. 7. Respectful learners don’t doodle, scribble or deface any book. 8. Respectful learners produce pleasing work and try to be a positive role model. 9. Respectful learners use all the pages consecutively in exercise books to avoid blank pages being visible. 10. Respectful learners rule off after each piece of work. Respectful learners make sure that half pages in exercise books should not be left. 11. When respectful learners hand in their books they make sure that they are laid flat on a shelf or the desk, as this avoids curling/bending. 12. Respectful learners know that they must not to bend the pages/corners of their exercise books. 13. Respectful learners must cover all exercise books textbooks and label them neatly with their first name and then surname. 14. Respectful learners must always have their own stationery and equipment. Borrowing from classmates disrupts the lessons. 15. Respectful learners punctuate correctly. Respectful learners don’t forget capital letters and full stops. Homework: 1. All of respectful learners homework and assignments will be completed on time. 2. Respectful learners spend the required time reading every day. 3. Respectful learners complete all the homework planned activities recommended for their grade. Outside the classroom: 1. Respectful learners wait for the teacher to give instructions and do not run off without permission. 2. Respectful learners make sure they are always a good example on how to behave outside the classroom. 3. Respectful learners participate enthusiastically at all school activities because they are a part of the team that helps to ‘grow’ school spirit. 4. Respectful learners know that they may not leave the school grounds during school hours without the teacher’s/manager’s permission. 5. Respectful learners play carefully and sensibly in the playground. 6. Respectful learners do not throw stones or other objects at anyone. 7. Respectful learners care for the other children. 8. Respectful learners know fighting and/or other violent behavior is prohibited at Wisdom. 9. Respectful learners look after school’s environment and the plants. 10. Respectful learners keep the playground clean at all times. 11. Respectful learners know that toilets must be kept clean and neat. 12. Respectful learners may not meet visitors at Wisdom without permission. 13. Respectful learners are kind and respectful to other learners. 14. Respectful learners promise to keep Wisdom neat and tidy. 15. Respectful learners practice safety at all times. 16. Respectful learners will not endanger others or themselves. 17. Respectful learners remain silent when entering other venues for formal occasions. Hygiene: 1. Respectful learners are hygienic. They always wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. 2. Respectful learners do not share with others their water bottle, cutlery, food boxes, combs, towels and other items of individual use. 3. Respectful learners do not lick the water machine, sports equipment and other items of public use. 4. Respectful learners do not wash parts of their body with the water machine. Respectful learners use the shower or sink for that. 5. Respectful learners keep the places of public use clean and neat. 6. Respectful learners follow Wisdom standard of what is hygienic and listen to the teachers’ instructions. 7. Respectful learners use a tissue or handkerchief when they cough or sneeze. 8. Respectful learners wear a facemask when they suspect they are sick.
  • Parental Policy
    This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Behaviour Policy, Learner code of conduct & other relevant attachments Sending your child to Wisdom automatically means that you have read, understood and agreed to follow the Policies of Wisdom. Any areas of concern must be submitted in writing before the study period. Wisdom refers to all Wisdom services provided by Wisdom Group, including but not limited to Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School, Wisdom Kitchen, Wisdom Library and Wisdom Play Area. Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School is a licensed non-formal educational institution that provides flexible tuition under the regulations of the Ministry of Education of Thailand and conditions of this Policy. Our parents recognize that educating children is a process that involves a partnership between parents, Wisdom and learners. As a partnership, our parents understand the importance of a good working relationship to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood. For these reasons we continue to welcome and encourage parents/guardians to participate in the process of Wisdom. The positive contribution that parents can and do make to Wisdom are vital if we want to remain an educational institution of note in the community. Without parental co-operation and commitment to a partnership of excellence within Wisdom, the institution cannot flourish and continue to strive for excellence. At Wisdom, with children at the heart of all we do, we inspire passionate, resilient, independent and confident learners. We prepare our children to be the best they can be and celebrate each child’s uniqueness, individuality, talents and achievements. We aim to provide the highest standards and best quality education for Koh Phangan children, providing them with a purposeful, exciting and balanced curriculum. It is important that all pupils progress well in the basic skills of reading, writing, grammar, number and in the foundation areas, so that all may fully benefit from the curriculum. The purpose of this policy is to state the conditions and requirements of sending a learner to Wisdom, as well as a reminder to all parents, guardians and visitors about expected conduct. This is so we can continue to flourish, progress and achieve, in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. 1. Guidance We expect parents, guardians and visitors to: 1.1. Understand that Wisdom is a licensed non-formal tutorial and vocational school that provides flexible tuition under the conditions of this Policy. 1.2. Respect and support the caring ethos of Wisdom College. 1.3. Be an example to and friendly towards the learners and anyone on the school premises. 1.4. Support and work with the school in all disciplinary actions. 1.5. Be willing to volunteer in accordance with the laws of Thailand, and assist when possible. 1.6. See that learners are attired properly and appropriately for classes and activities. 1.7. Understand that parents need to collaborate with the school for the benefit of the learners. 1.8. Encourage their children to be responsible and accountable as appropriate to their age and level. 1.9. Demonstrate that all members of the school community, including parents, learners, staff and teachers, should be treated with respect and therefore set a good example in both speech and behaviour. 1.10. Correct one’s own child’s behaviour especially in public where it could otherwise lead to conflict, aggression or an unsafe situation. 1.11. Seek to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s view before taking action. Always aim to achieve a peaceful solution to any issue. 1.12. Avoid using Wisdom staff or teachers as threats to influence children’s behaviour. 2. Conduct In order to support a peaceful and safe educational environment Wisdom cannot tolerate parents, guardians and visitors exhibiting or committing or supporting the following: 2.1. Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a teacher’s classroom, the administration area, maintenance area, office area or any other area on the Wisdom premises. 2.2. Using loud or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language or displaying a bad temperament. 2.3. Starting or supporting any religious, ethnic, racial, nationality or political dispute on the Wisdom premises. 2.4. Threatening to do actual bodily harm to a member of Wisdom staff, associate, visitor, fellow parent/ guardian or learner, regardless of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence. 2.5. Damaging or destroying Wisdom property, intentionally or not. 2.6. Abusive or threatening e-mails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communication. Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding Wisdom or any of the learners/parent/staff, via Facebook or any other social media sites. 2.7. Displaying any form of physical aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment against your own child on Wisdom premises. 2.8. Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own or another child. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault or infringement of rights of that child and may have legal consequences.) 2.9. Smoking or consumption of alcohol, drugs or nefarious substances whilst on Wisdom property. 2.10. Any illegal substances or objects being brought on to Wisdom premises. Should any of the above behaviour occur on Wisdom premises, Wisdom may feel it is necessary to contact the appropriate authorities and if necessary deemed, even forbid the offending adult from entering the Wisdom premises. With regard to children’s behaviour, please see the Behaviour Policy. Parents must come to Wisdom if requested by the school following any serious behavioural incident. 3. Communication between Parents/Guardians and Wisdom, including school visitation 3.1. Parents are welcome to contact and discuss any queries with the Wisdom management at the office hours (Monday-Friday between 9:30–17:00) by appointment. Parents are required to state the intention of the visit and any other persons who may be involved or present during the visit. 3.2. Parents should be available for Parent / Teacher meetings to discuss their child’s progress towards the end of each term. Parents may also request such a meeting if they wish. 3.3. Parents are welcome to view Wisdom’s curriculum and learning materials by appointment. 3.4. Parents have the right to visit Wisdom to areas where their children have been admitted, but such visits must not disrupt any of the educational activities. The visit cannot be longer than 30 minutes. Please make an appointment before coming each time. 3.5. Upon entering and leaving Wisdom premises, all parents and visitors must first report to the office. Parents may be requested to sign in or out each time. Only relevant/announced persons are allowed to make visits. 3.6. All important and urgent messages should be sent to Wisdom’s email address. 3.7. Parents and visitors must exercise patience if they come to the Wisdom premises unannounced. Wisdom may ask the unannounced parent/visitor to return at a later time. 3.8. Parents are not allowed to collect their child directly from the classroom without notifying the manager. 3.9. Wisdom is not responsible for children after their classes with or without the presence of their legal guardians. 3.10. If the parent prefers Wisdom supervision after collection time, late collection is possible at an additional cost. With 24 hours prior notification of the late collection, the fee starts at 300 Baht/hour. For late collection without prior notification, the fee starts at 1,000 THB/hour, starting from the end of the school day/end of the last class. 3.11. Emails are an essential method of communication between Wisdom and parents. All emails sent to the parents by Wisdom must be treated as important and must be read by the parents. Parents should add Wisdom to their contact list to assure that all the emails are received. 3.12. Communication between learners and Wisdom must be via learner’s school email account. All learners are required to have email addresses in a similar format ( and the parents are required to help their child to create such an email account. Personal learners’ email accounts are not allowed and Wisdom will not give any access to online materials for the learners who do not use their school email. 4. General issues 4.1 Parents hereby give permission for Wisdom to use all media and digital or written content as seen appropriate by Wisdom to support learning in the curriculum, regardless of the political, religious, historical, ethnic or ethical connotations. 4.2 Parents should send their child(ren) to Wisdom on time, before the class starts, ready to participate and learn. 4.3 Children must have a neat and tidy appearance appropriate for learning. Long loose hair is not allowed and should be tied up. 4.4 Parents must provide their children with equipment, and necessary daily items according to Attachment 4 to participate in all activities. 4.5 Wisdom is not responsible for any personal belongings of the children, their family, guardians or visitors. 4.6 Before the beginning of Term, parents should complete or update the Wisdom Admissions Form online: (the link can be provided via email or messenger upon written request). A printed version of the Wisdom Admissions Form is available in the office upon request. 4.7 Parents must provide details of any medical conditions e.g. illnesses, medical aid membership, allergies and other physical or mental conditions. 4.8 Children showing any symptoms of bacterial, fungal or viral infections that may be contagious will not be accepted to participate in Wisdom activities. Such children should stay at home or visit hospital and receive adequate medical treatment under the responsibility of their parents, guardians or medical professionals. 4.9 In the event of a known lice issue, Wisdom reserves the right to check for lice/nits until the issue is resolved. Parents of any child showing signs of infestation will get a notification from Wisdom. If the child is unable to get rid of the lice/nits within 10 days from notification, the child will be excluded from activities to avoid lice spreading. The child can return to Wisdom after the treatment, provided there are no signs of lice/nits. 4.10 Several times a month during favourable weather conditions the children may have classes outside Wisdom premises, providing it is not against the laws of Thailand. The choice of the place is under the sole consideration of Wisdom. If a child is not allowed to visit any specific locations on Koh Phangan, parents must specify such places in Attachment 3. 4.11 Parents should inform Wisdom about changes of address, telephone numbers of both parents (home and work). There must be at least TWO other contact numbers. 4.12 Children should be dropped off and collected directly at the entrance to the Wisdom premises. Please collect your children promptly from Wisdom. Wisdom will not be responsible for any child after leaving Wisdom premises during or outside of school hours. 4.13 For the safety of the children we cannot allow children to “hang around” at Wisdom. If a parent is unable to collect a child, parents will need to ensure that the child is under the supervision of the Wisdom Aftercare staff at extra cost. If there was no request from a parent/guardian about the supervision of a child after school time, Wisdom will not be responsible for such a child after collection time (typically not later than 16:00). 4.14 Wisdom will not be held liable for any claims, losses, injuries and expenses suffered by parents or learners. Any claims of negligence must be supported by valid evidence. 4.15 Parents are liable to pay tuition fees as determined by the Wisdom manager. All fees must be paid at least one day before the school start date. Children will not be allowed to join any class if the payment is not made in full. 4.16 Parents are liable for any damage caused by their children to Wisdom’s property or to the property of Wisdom’s partners. A receipt and damage calculations will be provided. The total cost of the damage will be automatically deducted from the Security Deposit. Any excess charges will be charged separately after deduction from the Security Deposit. In case no one can be found responsible for the damage caused to Wisdom property or to the property of Wisdom partners, the cost of the damage will be equally divided between all the children present on the day the damage was caused or discovered as deemed appropriate. 4.17 Wisdom provides a basic Thai-Style lunch daily, including a vegetarian and non-vegetarian option. The menu is publicly on display, and if on a certain day a learner does not want the dish provided, such a learner must bring or source their own lunch according to their individual needs. Fresh fruit and drinking water is provided throughout the day. Additional food must be delivered to Wisdom by the parents. Learners are not permitted to leave the Wisdom premises to buy food. 4.18 Parents give full permission to Wisdom to freely use all photographs and any media taken during the learning process or Wisdom activities. 4.19 Learners, parents, guardians and visitors are not allowed to record video, audio or take photographs on the Wisdom premises without permission from Wisdom. 4.20 The Policy may be changed under consideration of Wisdom, and the Parents will be notified about the changes and/or given a revised addition of the Policy. 4.21 The minimum number of learners per group is 5 children. If the number of learners in a group goes lower than 5 for any reason, Wisdom reserves the right to dismiss the group without refund or the remaining members will have to pay extra. 4.22 If a parent wishes to withdraw a learner from Wisdom before the agreed study period is completed, the parent must write a formal request in writing to Wisdom via email and provide a detailed and clear reason. Requests via messages, personal social network accounts, personal chats, voice messages, phone calls or other, will not be considered as a formal request. 4.23 Parents are welcome to contact Wisdom staff at any time during working hours (9:30– 17:00, Monday – Friday, excluding holidays). Any call received before 8:00 or after 18:00 as well as calls on Sundays will be charged at the rate of 500 THB per call. Calls after 22:00 and before 8:00 will be charged at the rate 1,000 THB per call. Messages or emails can be sent at any time, but will be replied to only when Wisdom staff are available. 4.24 Learners will be required to follow any government regulations that may apply (e.g. face masks, hygiene standards, social distancing rules). If a learner is not capable of following the regulations for any reason, a warning will be given to the learner and the parents. If the learner continues the unacceptable behaviour, the learner will be suspended and no refund will be given for any time lost. 4.25 Wisdom will not take any responsibility for learners driving vehicles of any sort, for any reason. 4.26 Any learners participating in optional services provided by Wisdom must follow their respective policies. 4.27 Wisdom staff would only ever make sudden deliberate and direct physical contact with learners in an emergency situation under section B.7 of the Behaviour Policy, or with the intention of preventing accident or injury. Staff may also make physical contact with learners in relation to an educational task e.g. taking pulses, sporting guidance, and first aid assistance. 4.28 In the event of an accident, Wisdom will attempt to contact the learner’s parent immediately. If the parents do not answer the phone immediately, the learner will be taken to FIRST WESTERN HOSPITAL for emergency treatment. Wisdom will not be responsible for any medical fees incurred or the status of the learner’s accident insurance.
  • Language Policy
    5.1. Wisdom respects that many of our learners come from culturally diverse backgrounds, whose primary language may not be English. However, another mother tongue language is not permitted to be used in the classroom environment as well as when the children are not in lessons, unless authorized by the teacher. 5.2. Wisdom expects students and adults to communicate only in English whilst they are interacting with each other. 5.3. Thai language is permitted when appropriate. 5.4. Learners with a low level of English should work to improve and respect the language of the learning environment. 5.5. Some learners may require extra language tuition at additional cost as a condition of their enrolment. 5.6. Learners unable to follow the language rule may be required to change programmes and/or not allowed to participate in classes or activities. 5.7. Disciplinary actions may be applied for using other than English or Thai languages. 5.8. If learners are unresponsive to disciplinary actions, a warning will be sent to parents via email, explaining that the next instance for breaking the language policy will result in the leaner being required to attend additional after-school English lessons (typically 14:45-15:45). This is non-negotiable. Rates will be charged at Wisdom’s current rate of hourly private tuition. Fees are to be paid separately in advance. The minimum number of classes will be 5 hours of private tuition delivered by an educator of Wisdom’s choice. 5.9. If the learner refuses to attend and the parent refuses to pay for additional English classes, the fees will automatically be deducted from the security deposit. The learner will be suspended until they comply and no refund of the tuition fees will be given.
  • Learning Materials Policy
    10.1. Workbooks and coursebooks are not included in the tuition fee. 10.2. The Parents are required to buy workbooks and exercise books for learners’ individual use. 10.3. Some of the workbooks are designed for use over a 3-year period, and the learner is required to keep the books in an acceptable condition. 10.4. Any coursebooks provided by Wisdom are for classroom use only. 10.5. If leaners draw or write in/on the coursebooks, learners’ parents will be charged the full cost of the book plus a fine. 10.6. Each learner will be assigned a coursebook for classroom use. If the assigned book is damaged or lost, the learner will have to pay the full cost of the book, plus a fine. 10.7. If a learner wishes to borrow a coursebook, such learner must contact the office and make a written record. The borrowed book must be returned to Wisdom within a reasonable period of time and in a reasonable condition.
  • Tests, Examinations and Unit Reviews
    11.1. All tests are the sole property of Wisdom. Copies may be provided upon a parent’s request. 11.2. Learners exam sheets will be kept at Wisdom for 1 calendar year after the learner’s withdrawal. The parents may collect the tests upon withdrawal from school. If the results were collected and lost or the ex-learner needs results for tests that are older than a calendar year after withdrawal, such a learner will have to do the exams again at an additional fee. 11.3. Entry tests to join Wisdom programmes 11.3.0. Joining Stage 1-7 (or equivalent) requires entry testing in English language. If the learner’s score is insufficient, the learner must attend additional after school English classes at an additional fee. 11.3.1. Joining Stages 8-12 (or equivalents) requires entry testing, created, marked and sat internally at Wisdom. The learner has to obtain a score of at least 50% correct answers in each test to be accepted in a programme. 11.3.2. For learners who completed previous stages at Wisdom, Wisdom will accept end of the previous year tests as entry tests for the next sequential level. 11.3.3. Taking entry tests on the Admission day before the start of Term 1 is free of charge. 11.3.4. If the learner sits the tests individually by appointment, service fees will be applied. 11.3.5. Learners unable to pass the entry test may re-sit the test, for an additional fee. 11.3.6. Learners showing insufficient foundational academic knowledge and skills may be accepted on the condition they attend additional classes at Wisdom for an additional fee. Extra classes must be paid for in advance for the period specified by Wisdom. 11.3.7. In all cases, regardless of results, testing, re-testing and extra classes are non-refundable. 11.4. Unit Reviews 11.4.1. After each unit studied in class in the core subjects (English, Maths, Science) the learners are required to sit an End of Unit Review test to track learners’ performance in the topics covered. These tests are typically conducted in class. 11.4.2. If the learner misses an End of Unit Review session, the learner can sit the missed test instead of an elective subject at school, free of charge. 11.4.3. If the learner wishes to sit the missed test after school, additional fees will be applied. 11.4.4. Unit review performance is a part of school reports at the end of the term. 11.4.5. Learners can re-sit End of Unit Review tests to improve their scores. Additional fees may be applied. 11.5. Internal Examinations: 11.5.1. At the end of each term Wisdom will arrange progression tests for the learners to assess their level. The exam dates will be marked in the academic calendar and the learners’ families are encouraged to plan holidays in accordance with the calendar. 11.5.2. If the learner misses exam sessions, the learner will not be able to receive a school report and/or certificate of completion of the stage. 11.5.3. The learner may sit exams privately for additional fees. 11.5.4. After the exams the score sheet will be emailed to the parents within 7 working days, and a feedback session may be arranged by appointment. 11.6. External examinations 11.6.1. All fees related to external examinations (including but not limited to transportation and accommodation) are the responsibility of the parents. All results and responsibility relating to external examinations rest solely with learners and their families.
  • Academic Transition Between Stages and Programmes
    T1.1. The appropriate stage of the learner is determined by the school and defined by the learner’s academic level, English language ability and attitude to learning as determined by the Learner Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy. T1.2. If the studying programme is too challenging for the learner, the learner can sign up for private classes at an additional cost, or make a transition to a lower stage or an alternative programme without the need for placement tests. T1.3. Every time the learner wishes to make a transition to a higher stage, the learner must meet the basic criteria and pass the mandatory placement tests to ascertain whether the learner’s level is appropriate for higher level group. T1.4. The placement tests, along with all associated marking and feedback are charged at an additional cost. If the tests or feedback meetings take place outside of school hours, the cost of such session will be charged at a double rate. T1.5. The cost of the placement tests is non-refundable. T1.6. If the learner’s level is slightly lower than the level of the group that the learner wishes to enter, such a learner may still make a transition on the condition of compulsory private lessons at Wisdom or Subject Review at an additional cost which must be paid for in advance. T1.7. If the learner’s level is significantly lower than the level of other learners of the group that the learner wishes to enter, Wisdom does not recommend the learner to make the transition and reserves the right to refuse transition. T1.8. If a learner with an insufficient academic level still wishes to make a transition to a more advanced academic stage, Wisdom may, in considering social and economics factors, allow such a transition, however, the learner and the learner’s family must agree that Wisdom will not be responsible for reduced academic progress, effects of overwhelming, mental health impacts, or any negative repercussions such a learner may incur after this transition. Also, if the transition appears to show a negative impact on the learning environment for other learners, the transition will be cancelled immediately and no re-fund will be provided. T1.9. By making the transition to a higher stage, the learner agrees to complete workbooks for the current stage and the previous stage to a satisfactory level. The workbooks must be presented to Wisdom at the end of the academic year. If the learner doesn’t satisfactorily complete all assigned workbooks, the learner may be requested to repeat the year and/or a certificate of completion may not be issued. T1.10. Wisdom will not slow down any group’s studying process for a learner with an insufficient academic level. Catching up with the curriculum is the full responsibility of such a learner and their family. T1.11. It must be understood that a significantly lower level learner is likely to have passively negative impacts on the class as a whole and may be requested to move back to the academic group of Wisdom’s original placement, in which case the conditions of this Policy still stand. T1.12. If the presence of a lower level learner causes serious negative impact on the group and the learner refuses to make a transition to a lower stage more appropriate for the learner’s level, in severe cases such a learner will be suspended without any refund.
  • Special Needs and Learner Support
    SN. Special Needs SN1. Wisdom does not accommodate special needs and all learners are expected to follow school policies regardless of their condition. SN2. If any special needs are discovered after learner’s enrollment, Wisdom will contact the parents and share concerns and evidence. The parents must take adequate action, including contacting qualified medical professionals to have their child assessed and receive medical treatment if the medical institution finds it appropriate. SN3. The Behaviour Policy applies to all learners regardless of their condition, and if the learner is being repetitively disruptive for other students, the learner may be excluded from Wisdom without any refund. SN4. When it is possible, Wisdom may arrange Learning Support for a learner showcasing special needs (see LS2). LS2. Learner support LS2.1. If the learner has any special needs the parents are required to inform Wisdom in writing and submit all relevant documentation and medical records before attending the study programme. In the event learners are found to have special needs and parents knowingly kept this from the school, such learners will not be given special treatment and will be expected to follow the school policies and Learner Code of Conduct regardless. In extreme cases, such learners may be suspended without refund until appropriate action is taken. LS2.2. Wisdom may provide learners with Learning Support for an additional cost. Fees for learning support must be paid in full before the first session. LS2.3. Learning Support is compulsory for learners who cannot function in the group on their own and/or are being disruptive for others. LS2.4. Learning Support may also be compulsory for learners with behaviour issues or learners that are unable to understand English language.
  • Force Majeure
    12.1. Wisdom shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of the obligations under this Policy arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond Wisdom’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God; earthquakes; fires; floods; wars; civil or military disturbances; acts of terrorism; sabotage; strikes; epidemics; quarantines; riots; power failures; computer failure and any such circumstances beyond reasonable control as may cause interruption, loss or malfunction of utility, transportation, computer (hardware or software) or telephone communication service; accidents; labour disputes; acts of civil or military authority; governmental actions; or inability to obtain labour, material, equipment or transportation; provided, however, that in the event of a failure or delay, the parties shall use their best efforts to ameliorate the effects of any such failure or delay. The sessions missed due to force majeure are not refundable. Additional studying time or a different studying method may be provided under consideration of the management. For example, due to COVID-19 prevention measures enforced by Thai government, all schools may be closed without prior notice. In this case Wisdom will move holidays when it is appropriate or provide distance learning options, as instructed by the Ministry of Education of Thailand. Different tuition fees and charges may be applied.
  • What is Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School?
    Wisdom College is a licensed school on Koh Phangan that provides high-quality tutoring and vocational training in English for an international community of the island. Our goal is to enhance skills and knowledge to improve the academic success of children staying on Koh Phangan. More information about our programmes is here.
  • Where is Wisdom College located?
    Our school is located in the heart of Koh Phangan in Thongsala
  • What does Wisdom school year structure look like?
    We follow the calendar of international schools in Thailand and our academic year is divided into three terms, with three exam weeks scheduled towards the end of each term. Attendance during these weeks is essential for parents to receive comprehensive school reports. Feel free to check the important days on our school calendar.
  • Can my child join the school short-term while we are on holiday on Koh Phangan?
    Yes, Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School will be happy to see you child among our students if there is a spot available for the age group of your child and if your child's academic level is sufficient for the group.
  • When can my child join Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School?
    As Koh Phangan is a popular tourist island, we accept students throughout the academic year; however, our groups are small and have a limited number of spots, so we recommend securing your place in advance. Check out our term dates here.
  • Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in your programs?
    Yes, entry exams are required for all programs. Specifically: Stage 1: Students must understand basic English and communicate their emergency needs. Stage 2-7: English proficiency is assessed. Stage 8-12: Students will be tested in English, Maths, and Science. If a student's English proficiency level is insufficient, they will be required to attend after-school English classes for an additional fee.
  • Do we have to be on Koh Phangan to register our child for Wisdom College school programme?
    All steps can be done online, however, you and your child are welcome to visit us by appointment before the registration.
  • What are the steps to enroll in a Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School program?
    Here’s the enrollment process: Inquire About Availability: Contact our admissions office to check for available spots in your desired program. Request Testing: Once availability is confirmed, request an entry exam. Complete the Test. Receive Feedback: Get feedback on your performance and eligibility. Fill Out the Application Form: Complete the enrollment form available online or at the admissions office. Submit Required Documents: Email us copies of passports of the child and at least one of the parents. Pay the Fees: Pay the required tuition and fees to secure your spot.
  • Which documents will my child receive after attending Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School?
    Students who successfully complete their tutorial and vocational training programs will receive a certificate of completion upon request. Students who did not complete the course may receive a letter of enrollment upon request. Academic Reports are provided termly. Please note that the child needs has to attend exams to receive a full academic report with exam scores. Exam weeks occur three times during the academic year, towards the end of each term. The reports are emailed to the parents within 2 weeks from the end of term.
  • Can I graduate from school and get accepted into a university while living on Koh Phangan?
    Yes, Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School provides an option of tutoring for graduation with an internationally recognized High School Diploma! However, please note that reasonable level of dedication and external exams will be required for High school graduation certificates.
  • What about school fees?
    Tuition fees vary by program. Please send us the request to receive detailed information.
  • Do you accommodate students with special needs?
    Though Wisdom College Tutorial and Vocational School provides individual approach to every learner, the school does not currently offer accommodations for special needs students. We recommend exploring other institutions that may be better suited for those requirements.
  • What food options are available at the school?
    We provide two types of fruit and two types of vegetables available as snacks throughout the day. Lunch consists of a Thai-style meal, and breakfast is optional. If students prefer not to eat school food, they are welcome to bring their own meals from home. We offer a fridge and microwave for student use. Alternatively, Middle and High School students can order lunch from Nira's Home Bakery.
  • What languages are used for communication during school hours and activities?
    Wisdom expects students and adults to communicate only in English or Thai whilst they are interacting with each other. Wisdom respects that many of our learners come from culturally diverse backgrounds, whose primary language may not be English. However, another mother tongue language is not permitted to be used in the classroom environment as well as when the children are not in lessons, unless authorized by the teacher. Learners with a lower level of English should attend after-school English classes and work to improve and respect the language of the learning environment.
  • What does my child need to bring to school?
    Personal items: refillable water bottle with name on it change of clothes closed-toe sports shoes backpack big enough to carry A4 books without damaging them watch money (optional, at own risk) Stationery: pencil case pens pencils sharpener eraser ruler protractor a pair of compasses calculator highlighters (optional)
  • What else do I need to know?
    If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to reach out!
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